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B'nei Mitzvah

Shalom!  The bar and bat mitzvah journey is a journey of learning, family, community and spirit. It is a time for our students to explore and express who they are as members of the Jewish community. Along the way, they build greater skills and knowledge in Jewish prayers (tefilot), Torah study, public speaking and project organization.
Rabbi studying Torah with a Bar Mitzvah student on the bimah
During this process, our students transform from learners into leaders who have the ability to demonstrate their new found knowledge and skills. There is a core-set of expectations for every bar and bat mitzvah student at GRJC. Beyond the core requirements, our students and families will decide from a menu of options, the knowledge, skills and activities that best reflect their values and interests.
Getting ready for the bar/bat mitzvah is both an exciting and a busy time. We will work together to make sure that the planning for the service goes as smoothly as possible.
The materials found here, including forms and other helpful documents, will assist you in the planning process.
We look forward to creating a meaningful bar/bat mitzvah ceremony with you and your family, one that reflects their interests and provides them with a strong sense of Jewish identity and pride.

Resources for Students

Parent Involvement in Service

Distributing Honors to Your Guests
B'nei Mitzvah Honors Sheet 

Links to Other Web Sites
My Jewish Learning
Looking for material about the Torah portion for writing the d'var Torah/B'nei Mitzvah speech?  Start at My Jewish Learning, which has several divrey Torah for every portion.  There is also a large amount of material on all Jewish topics of interest.
This website is divided into different sections, making it easy to navigate.  "Party Ideas" features popular categories for bar/bat mitzvah planning with ideas and inspiration for your celebration.  The "Vendors" section is where you will find experts who are easy to reach via our Mitzvah Connect forms.  The "Spotlight" section consists of real parties submitted by our readers where parents are inspired by how others have celebrated.  You will also find timelines, advice and Mitzvah Projects under "Planning 101."


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785