Hebrew School
Welcome to the GRJC Hebrew School
2024 - 2025 School Year
Tree of Life Pathways at GRJC: Roots (Shorashim) and Branches (Anafim)
Guiding Principles

Both the one day and two-a-week paths will provide a core knowledge of Judaism and nourish positive Jewish experiences.
To the extent possible students in both paths will interact with each other as often as possible.
The Tree of Life Pathways will be enhanced for all students with both Shabbat and special Sunday programs. Click HERE for more details.
Our Vision
Our graduates will have a strong Jewish identity with the tools and desire to be knowledgeable, lifelong participants in the Jewish community.

Our Mission
Instilling pride in being Jewish and part of the Jewish community.
We will achieve this by:
- Developing individual meaning and pride in being Jewish
- Understanding our past, present and future
- Creating a community of Jewish children
- Learning about the broader Jewish community and the place of the GRJC within that community
- Encouraging active participation in the Jewish community.
Understanding the world through the lens of Jewish values.
We will achieve this by:
- Nurturing a personal relationship with God
- Providing opportunities to learn about and engage in tikkun olam activities
- Using our Biblical narrative to teach values
- Examining the Shoah and modern Jewish history
- Analyzing local and world news from a Jewish perspective
- Modeling Jewish values (students, teachers and administrators)
Exploring personal and communal Jewish rituals.
We will achieve this by:
- Providing skills and knowledge regarding Jewish holidays and Shabbat
- Investigating the customs and meaning surrounding the Jewish life cycle
- Using the mediums of art, cooking and music to add personal meaning and experiences to Jewish culture.
Developing proficiency in synagogue/prayer skills (so that our graduates will feel competent and comfortable in other synagogues and Jewish settings).
We will achieve this by:
- Mastering the reading and chanting of core Hebrew prayers
- Learning the meaning, structure and choreography of Jewish prayer
- Providing regular opportunities for our students to use and build upon these skills (Mishpacha Minyan, Shabbatonim, services in school).
Instilling a love of Hebrew.
We will achieve this by:
- Teaching Hebrew through movement
- Developing a core Hebrew vocabulary
- Learning to read Hebrew proficiently.
Developing an appreciation of and connection to Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel), Medinat Yisrael (the government of Israel) and Am Yisrael (the people of Israel).
We will achieve this by:
- Celebrating Israel through music, Hebrew and special programs
- Researching the diversity of the land and people of Israel
- Exploring the history and geography of Israel
- Learning about the blessings and challenges of living in Israel
- Discovering the contributions of Israel and Israelis in technology, medicine, religion, sports and the arts.
The GRJC Hebrew School faculty is experienced and dedicated to making our students' experiences meaningful and fun! The classroom experience is enriched with art, cooking, technology, special programs and Shabbat experiences. These include a family Havdalah program in Gan (Kindergarten) and Gimel (3rd grade), a Hebrew name celebration in Bet (2nd grade), and Mishpacha Minyan (a family-friendly Shabbat service) in Aleph through Vav (1st through 6th grades). In addition, students lead part of a Shabbat service in Gimel through Zayin (3rd through 7th grades).
Parents are our partners in educating our children. We invite parents to be actively involved in their children's religious education through attendance at special programs, Shabbat services and family workshops held during the school year.
As the next step in pursuing life-long Jewish learning, our graduates are encouraged to attend the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies, located at Temple Israel and JCC in Ridgewood, NJ.
School Schedule
Please check the online calendar on the GRJC website for the most up-to-date information. Unless otherwise noted, classes meet during the following times:
• Gan (Kindergarten) - Bet (2nd grade): Sundays 9:00 - 10:55 am
• Gimel (3rd grade) - Vav (6th grade):
- ANAFIM (meets twice a week): Sundays: 11:15 am - 1:10 pm and Tuesdays: 3:45 - 6:00 pm
- SHORASHIM (meets once a week): Tuesdays: 3:45 - 6:45 pm
• Zayin (7th grade): Tuesdays: 3:45 - 6:00 pm
Curriculum Information & Registration
To learn more about our curriculum, contact Dr. Mark Silk at hsdirector@grjc.org. To register your child for our school, please contact the synagogue office at office@grjc.org or (201) 652-6624.
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
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