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Lifecycle Events

As a congregant and member of the Glen Rock Jewish Center, you will receive our help in observing all of your family's life cycle events, both for moments of joy and during times of sorrow. We live the words "L'dor V'dor" - from Generation to Generation - and help you keep your own family's traditions alive as a part of our community through these rituals. Rabbi Schlosberg will support your family in creating a special ritual that is tailored to your family's interests and marks these significant times in your lives so that they will be memorable and special. 
Baby Namings/Brit Milah:The birth of a child or grandchild is one of the most special moments of our lives. Our community celebrates with you. We will support your family at a special brit milah or baby naming whether you want these rituals in the synagogue or in your home. 
B'nei Mitzvah: The GRJC is extremely proud of our robust b'nei mitzvah program, one which engages students in a core curriculum as well as one that meets their unique interests. Please click HERE to learn more about our b'nei mitzvah curriculum.
Auf Ruf: We welcome you and your family and friends to join us on a Shabbat morning as we celebrate your upcoming marriage!
Weddings: We are thrilled to help you mark this incredible time in your life. Rabbi Schlosberg will plan pre-marital sessions with you to support you in thinking about your life together, while also helping you plan and presiding over your wedding. Mazal tov!
Illness: We want to be there for you and pray for your healing when you and your loved ones are sick. Rabbi Schlosberg makes pastoral visits to your home or hospital. In addition compassionate members of our Chesed committee will reach out to see if you need anything or want a friendly phone conversation.  
Funerals & Cemetery Plots: We understand your pain and sadness when you lose a loved one and want to comfort you in times of sorrow. Rabbi Schlosberg will help you plan a meaningful funeral that highlights the memory of your departed. We will also coordinate shivah gatherings and services for you, as members of our community are eager to ensure that you have a shivah minyan so that you can say Kaddish. You will find a copy of the burial Kaddish HERE. Regarding Jewish burials, the Glen Rock Jewish Center has an area at Cedar Park Cemetery in Paramus, NJ.  We have plots for sale which include perpetual care. For more information, please contact the office.
Unveilings: When the time comes for you to unveil a tombstone at your relative's grave, we will help you by conducting a service. Should you need help ensuring a minyan, we would be honored to arrange that as well.
Pets: Our pets are part of our families, and losing a pet can bring profound grief.  Rabbi Schlosberg is available to hold a memorial service for your beloved pet to honor and appreciate their unconditional love, friendship and companionship.  She can also help you offer prayers for a pet who is ill.
Conversions: We are thrilled that you have chosen to become a member of the Jewish people! Rabbi Schlosberg will help you gain the resources to study in preparation of this significant transition in your life. In addition, she will organize a beit din (Jewish court) who will officially confirm your acceptance into the Jewish people and will help you perform the rituals necessary to mark this transition, such as hatafat dam brit and/or immersion in a mikvah. We can't wait to welcome you!
Birthdays/Anniversaries: Each month at our Friday night services, we invite you to join us as we mark all birthdays and anniversaries for that month. Rabbi Schlosberg will offer you a special blessing and give you a treat to enjoy as well! (Hope you like Zadies Bakery!)
Other: There are so many other important milestones that we help you mark in your life. Perhaps you've recovered after a long illness or a tragic accident. You might have earned a degree, gotten a new job or promotion or celebrated your child's engagement. Whatever it is, we are here for you and our marking this sacred time with you is what being part of a Jewish community is all about. 
For more information about these and other lifecycle events, please contact the office at or (201) 652-6624.
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785